Figurativas 2023 · Catálogo de la exposición
Immerse yourself in the wonderful world of contemporary artistic creativity with the Official Catalog of Figurative Art 2023! This exclusive catalog is a window to the beauty and ingenuity of the awarded works selected in the prestigious international figurative painting and sculpture competition 2023, convened biannually by the Fundació Privada de les Arts i els Artistes.
International Realism: 16th International ARC Salon
The latest instalment of the International ARC Salon Competition.- Over a thousand stunning traditional artworks from the forefront of the 21st Century Realist Art Movement- Presents the winners and finalists of the 16th International ARC Salon Competition- Artist contributors from across the globe compete in a range of genres, from 'Imaginative Realism' to 'Plein air' and 'Portraiture'The latest instalment of the International ARC Salon Competition, featuring over a thousand original works of art.
Determined to restore the universal language of realism in the visual arts, a group of fine artists and experts formed the Art Renewal Center in 1999.
Since their genesis, this non-profit educational foundation has dedicated itself to encouraging rigorous skill-based training in the methods of the Old Masters, bestowing the title of 'ARC Approved' on ateliers who share their core values and demonstrate technical mastery.
Their annual competition is the largest and most prestigious for realist-based art in the USA, arguably the world. This year's winners demonstrate the great breadth and originality that can be found in all facets of fine art.Categories include: Figurative, Portraiture, Imaginative Realism, Landscape, Animals, Sculpture, Drawing, Still Life, Plein Air and the DaVinci Initiative Award for the Young Aspiring Artists.
This art book published by the Spanish publisher "Guide Artist Magazine". 50 artists are selected in this limited edition.
International Realism: 15th International ARC Salon
With determination to restore the universal language of realism in the visual arts, a group of fine artists and experts banded together to celebrate and propagate 21st Century Representational Art.
They founded the Art Renewal Center in 1999. Since their genesis, this non-profit educational foundation has dedicated itself to encouraging rigorous skill-based training in the methods of the Old Masters, bestowing the title of 'ARC Approved' on ateliers who share their core values and demonstrate technical mastery. The International ARC Salon Competition is the largest and most prestigious for realist based art in the world, receiving this year over 4,941 entries from 83 countries and spanning six continents.
The 1,155 works featured here represent 23% of the total. This year's winners demonstrate the great breadth and originality that can be found in all facets of fine art. Categories include: Figurative, Portraiture, Imaginative Realism, Landscape, Plein Air, Fully from Life, Animals, Sculpture, Drawing, Still Life, and Teens (for aspiring young artists).
The Guide artists Magazine. Issue 43
First published in 2017, The Guide Artists is a monthly magazine in Spain dedicated to showcasing the best in international contemporary art.
The Guide artists Magazine. Issue 39
First published in 2017, The Guide Artists is a monthly magazine in Spain dedicated to showcasing the best in international contemporary art.
The Guide artists Magazine. Issue 38
First published in 2017, The Guide Artists is a monthly magazine in Spain dedicated to showcasing the best in international contemporary art.
美術の窓 2020年 10月号
静物画に焦点をあて、その構図に着目! モチーフの配置や光の当て方、配色のバランスなど、作家が考える作品を決定づける構図のポイントを紹介する㊙︎技法講座をはじめ、作家インタビュー、編集部イチオシの静物画ギャラリーや、おすすめの展覧会情報などを収録。名画から現代の広告まで、構図を手がかりに静物画上達のヒント、そして鑑賞の面白さを探ります。
The Guide artists Magazine. Issue 37
First published in 2017, The Guide Artists is a monthly magazine in Spain dedicated to showcasing the best in international contemporary art.
The Guide artists Magazine. Issue 36
First published in 2017, The Guide Artists is a monthly magazine in Spain dedicated to showcasing the best in international contemporary art.
美術の窓 2020年 6月号
美術の窓 2020年 3月号
International Realism: 14th International ARC Salon
Presents the best of the 14th International ARC Salon Competition: over a thousand stunning traditional artworks, from the forefront of the 21st Century Realist Art Movement.
Le Salon d’Automne de 1903 à nos jours
フランスの芸術協会【Salon d'Automne Society(サロン・ドートンヌ協会)】設立1世紀を超え、1903年の発足から2017年までのサロン・ドートンヌの展覧会フライヤーや1世紀に渡りサロンで発表されたアーティストのリスト、今日に至るまでの物語が記された参考資料書籍が刊行されました。サロン・ドートンヌ1世紀越えの歴史を彩ってきた偉大な芸術家たちと共に私の名も記載して頂けました。
ARTcollectors'(アートコレクターズ) 2019年 10月号
写実絵画と聞いて、あなたは何を想像するだろうか。髪の毛の一本一本までもを描き込む細密表現?モデルの本質に迫ろうと綿密に取材する作家の姿勢? 一口に「写実」と言っても、作家のルーツや作品へのアプローチはそれぞれ異なる。本特集では、写実絵画の“歴史〟を遡ることによって、現在活躍する人気作家たちの煌めく個性を改めて発見しようと試みた。さあ、あなたもページの海に潜り込み、「あなたが好きな」写実絵画を見つけてみませんか
美術の窓 2019年 10月号
近現代の日本の彫刻に注目! 今秋に展覧会が開催される平櫛田中や荻原守衛といった物故作家の紹介、彫刻界の重鎮作家たちのアトリエ訪問レポート、人気彫刻家による技法講座などを収録。話題の芸術祭・アートイベントで注目したい彫刻作品や全国のおすすめ彫刻美術館の情報も盛り込みながら彫刻の魅力に迫ります。
International Realism: 13th International ARC Salon
The International ARC Salon Competition is arguably the most prestigious realist art competition in the world, demonstrating the great breadth and originality of Post-Contemporary Art.
美術の窓 2015年 10 月号
【巻頭特集】戦後70年 いま描くとは、作るとは? 現代作家にみる心象表現160選
今回の掲載作家数は約160名! 誰もが知る巨匠の名作から、第一線で活躍する現代作家の作品まで、豊富なカラーグラビアと画家によるエッセイ・評論家による寄稿文などを通して、わたしたちが生きる現代の心象表現を探ります。